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The Grace Period Was Activated and the License Type Is Showing as 'Suspect'


The grace period was enabled and the license type is showing as Suspect, although a valid license key has been entered.


  • GFI EventsManager 2012
  • GFI EventsManager 2011 SR2
  • All supported environments

Root Cause

The license key is being validated against GFI EventsManager servers. If this traffic is being blocked or manipulated, the validation can fail.


Please ensure that:

  • GFI EventsManager can access GFI Upgrade Center without the traffic being filtered in any way (e.g. by a Firewall or any other type of content filtering system).
  • The account used by GFI EventsManager service has at least local admin privileges that are needed to authenticate with the server.

For installing GFI EventsManager in a secure environment without the Internet, the following steps must be implemented:

  1. Navigate to Root Drive\System32\drivers\etc\.
  2. Open the host file with Notepad.
  3. Add the entry
  4. Save the file.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
