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Database Has Filled up Hard Drive


The hard drive has 0kb of free space due to SQL database.


SQL DB has blown up in size and leaves 0kb of free space.


For databases that have been in existence for a long time, they may grow in size.

There are two possible solutions in regards to WebMonitor and its SQL database:

  • Option 1:

    Refer to "Microsoft SQL Server database growing large"

  • Option 2:

    Manually recreate the SQL database.

    NOTE: doing these steps in full will commit a full deletion to the database. It may be best, after step 8 to transfer the database to another drive if you want to retain this data.

    1. Open the Microsoft SQL Management Studio server and connect to the Microsoft SQL server where the database is located.

    2. Locate the database you want to move the location of under the Databases node.

    3. Right-click the database and choose Properties.

    4. Click the Files node of the Database Properties dialog.

    5. Note the Path and Filename of both of the files (one will be a .MDF database file and one will be a .LDF transaction log file) and close the dialog.

    6. Make sure the GFI Software application that uses the database is no longer running (close the console and stop the services).

    7. Right-click the database and choose Tasks > Take Offline

    8. Next, right-click the database and choose Tasks > Detach...

    9. Check the box to Drop Connections and click the OK button at the bottom.

    10. The SQL database can be recreated by doing the steps from the admin manual and changing the database to another name.


Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
