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Error: 'Search Index File Location specified is invalid' While Going Through the Archive Store Wizard


This article describes the error and its resolution, which occurs when you are adding/editing an archive store and trying to specify/edit the index path, and the following error message is displayed:

Search Index File Location specified is invalid



  • GFI Archiver
  • All supported environments


Root Cause

The folder contains a corrupt index. An index which does not belong to the database or the folder is empty.



  1. Confirm that:
    • Sufficient disk space for the Search Index Location is available.
    • No other index is present in the same folder.
    • Anti-Virus software has exclusions set and does not scan GFI Archiver folders.
  2. While going through the Archive Store Wizard, specify the Search Index Location as either:
    • The path that contains the healthy index of the database.
    • Or specify a non-existent path (do not create the empty folder* beforehand).
      If you already have a desired path, you can add the following to the index path \index. This will create the index folder inside the desired folder.
      *For example: If you want the index to be created in e:\Indexes\2010 Jan - Feb make sure the subfolder 2010 Jan - Feb does not exist. Then choose e:\Indexes via the folder picker in the Archive Store Wizard and add \2010 Jan - Feb manually.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
