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MyKerio Section

  • Gathering and Submitting Troubleshooting Logs for Kerio Products

    Overview When you face an error and report it to the product support team, you should attach the support information that helps to troubleshoot the issue. This article explains the process of gatherin...

  • Managing Users in MyKerio Organizations

    Overview You can give other administrators the ability to manage one or more of your organizations and appliances. These users then can rename the organization, add, or manage appliances, and users. T...

  • Reset MyKerio Account Password

    Overview Use this article to reset the MyKerio account password, if the account password is wrong.   Process Go to Click Forgot password. Type your email address in the Rese...

  • Troubleshooting Issues with Receiving Emails via MyKerio Notification Service

    Overview MyKerio notification service includes a local email blacklist to temporary suspend sending emails to recipients with a history of bounce messages. The blacklist blocks each invalid email addr...

  • Sending Alerts and Notifications via MyKerio

    Overview The MyKerio Notification Service can send alerts and notifications from your appliance without any need to configure the SMTP relay, and you can use this service without creating an account i...

  • Changing Password for MyKerio Account

    You can change your MyKerio password at any time by following the steps mentioned below: Log in to MyKerio. Navigate to Settings. In the Change Password section, enter your current and new password. I...

  • Appliance Status in MyKerio

    Overview   When you add your appliances to MyKerio, you can see their status in the Appliances section. MyKerio indicates the status of appliances with four colors. This article provides information a...

  • Adding, Managing and Switching Between Organizations in MyKerio

    Overview When you first register with MyKerio, one organization is created for you automatically. This article shares the processes for: Adding more organizations; Managing them; and Switching between...

  • Defining Shared IP Address Groups in MyKerio

    Overview This article shares information about defining shared IP address groups in MyKerio by covering the following topics: Types of Shared IP Address Groups in MyKerio Adding New IP Address Groups ...

  • Defining Shared URL Groups in MyKerio

    Overview This article shares information about defining shared URL groups in MyKerio by covering the following topics:  Purpose of Shared URL Groups Adding New URL Groups Importing Existing Kerio Cont...