TextAPI or XMLAPI files generated by 3rd party integrators are not picked up by GFI FaxMaker
Versions / Builds Affected
GFI FaxMaker 2013 (20130606), (20131008)
Problem Summary
API job files and documents are not picked up until a restart of the FaxMaker services.
How to Identify
This issue has been identified with various 3rd party integrators who use folder based job submission API's in GFI FaxMaker. Thus far, the issue has been reported by customers using Allscripts EHR, Medflow, HP Digital Senders as well as a few lesser known integrations. When submitting faxes via their application or device, FaxMaker will fail to retrieve the job files and associated documents until the FaxMaker services are restarted. Customers who have upgraded from versions of FaxMaker prior to the builds noted will notice that the issue occurs following upgrade. This issue is related to a change in the polling method which FaxMaker uses to monitor it's job submission folders. With this change, FaxMaker now relies on Windows to notify FaxMaker that a new monitored file type has been written to the folder(s) being monitored. Prior to this change, FaxMaker performed a simple folder enumeration multiple times a second. This change allows for much better efficiency and improved support for the multi-folder pickup features introduced in build 20130606. It has now been discovered that some integrators do not write job files directly to our pickup folder, but rather write a temporary file which is later renamed to the appropriate extension. Since FaxMaker is not looking for file rename triggers from Windows, the job files go unnoticed as a result.
Workaround / Fix Details
-A patch for this issue is included with GFI FaxMaker 2014 -Have the customer upgrade to GFI FaxMaker 2014
Required Actions
Apply the fix listed above
Priyanka Bhotika