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Migrating To a 64-bit Kerio Connect Virtual Appliance


This article shows how to move a 32-bit Kerio Connect Virtual Appliance to a 64-bit Kerio Connect Virtual Appliance.

NOTE: It is recommended to keep a full backup of your current installation before proceeding.


Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Deploy the 64-bit version of the Kerio Connect VMware appliance.
  2. Stop Kerio Connect on both appliances.
  3. Use SSH to connect to the appliances.
  4. Use Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) to copy the following items from /opt/kerio/mailserver on the 32-bit appliance to the same folder on the 64-bit appliance:
  • license folder
  • mailserver.cfg file
  • users.cfg file
  • cluster.cfg file
  • sslcert folder
  • store folder
  1. Pack the whole store before copying.
  2. If you have the store folder on an external hard drive, this step is not required.
    1. ldapmap folder if you have edited any files.
    2. fulltext folder if you have enabled the full-text search feature.
  3. Pack the fulltext folder before copying.
  4. If you have the fulltext folder on an external hard drive, this step is not required.
  5. Start running the 64-bit Kerio Connect appliance.



Kerio Connect Virtual Appliance is now migrated to a 64-bit environment.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
