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Calculation, Classification, and Meaning of the GFI LanGuard Vulnerability Levels


This article describes the GFI LanGuard vulnerability levels, their significance and the method of calculation and classification.



GFI LanGuard vulnerability Level

The GFI LanGuard vulnerability Level is a rating assigned to each scanned computer. The rating can be viewed from:

  • Scan Results Details – This section in the Scan tab provides a vulnerability level meter assigned to the computers/groups that have been scanned.
  • Dashboard - The Dashboard section provides information for specific computers or selected groups of computers, from the computer tree.

    • Select the computer/group and view the vulnerability meter from the right pane.
    • Select Entire Network to view the vulnerability level for all the scan targets.


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Vulnerability level Calculation

The vulnerability level is calculated using a weighting system. After a scan, GFI LanGuard groups the discovered vulnerabilities in categories by severity rating:
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low
For each rating, a weighted score is given. This is based on the total number of vulnerabilities per category.

Weight Scores

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Score Classification

After classifying the detected vulnerabilities and generating a score for each classification, the overall vulnerability level is determined. The vulnerability level is based on the severity rating with the highest score. The vulnerability level scores are:
  • A score of >= 8, results in High vulnerability rating
  • A score of <= 7 and >= 5, results in Medium vulnerability rating
  • A score of <= 4 and >=1, results in a Low vulnerability rating


During a scan of Computer A, the following vulnerabilities were discovered:
  • 3 high vulnerabilities
  • 8 medium vulnerabilities
  • 5 low vulnerabilities
The score for each category was calculated by GFI LanGuard and returned the following results:
  • 3 high vulnerabilities = 9
  • 8 medium vulnerabilities = 7
  • 5 low vulnerabilities = 3
The vulnerability level for Computer A is therefore HIGH.
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The vulnerability level is indicated using a color-coded graphical bar: 
  • Red bar = high vulnerability level
  • Green bar = low vulnerability level

NOTE: When the vulnerability level cannot be assessed and/or vulnerability scanning was not performed, GFI LanGuard gives a rating of N/A.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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