Timeout error when exporting scans to XML
Versions / Builds Affected
LanGuard 2014 and 2015
Problem Summary
Timeout error when exporting large scans to XML
How to Identify
The following errors will be shown in the debug logs: 2014-12-09,14:52:33,365,1,"#000018d0","#00001c5c","error ","Exporter","ExportScanResultsFromDatabase::ExportToXmlFile - COM error HRESULT '-2147217871' message 'IDispatch error #3121' source 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server' description 'Timeout expired'." 2014-12-09,14:56:19,385,3,"#00001dc0","#000005a4","info ","PlatformServices","ActiveDirectoryComputerGetter::RecacheDomain - Error 3081 occured or no computers found. Domain: 'MIND', DC: 'MINDNODDC05'" 2014-12-09,14:56:19,401,1,"#00001dc0","#000003c4","error ","Importer","TXmlImporter.ConnectToADDomainControllerAndRetrieveDistinguishedNameOfOUForComputer - GetComputerOU error: The domain specified could not be used"
Workaround / Fix Details
Please do the following to extend the timeout in the Exporter module: - On LanGuard server, browse the path (on 2003/XP) or (on Vista/2008/7) - Edit the toolcfg_simple.xml file - Add the following section above the last line. NOTE: The last line should be: - Save the changes and restart GFI LanGuard service
Required Actions
- Attach the article to the case. - Follow the workaround.
Priyanka Bhotika