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Personalizing a Scanning Profile


This article guides you on how to create a new scanning profile using the Scanning Profiles Editor.


  1. Launch GFI LanGuard management console.
  2. Click Configuration.
  3. Right-click on Scanning Profiles and select Scanning Profiles Management.
  4. In the Scanning Profiles Editor from the Common Tasks, click New Scanning Profile.
  5. Specify the name of the new profile and optionally select Copy all settings from an existing profile to clone settings from an existing profile.
  6. Click OK to save settings. The new scanning profile is added under Profiles in the left pane.


  • You can go through the different options and select only the items that you want LanGuard to look for.
  • You can disable patches that you do not use or do not want to be updated or vulnerabilities that are no longer necessaries for your organization.
  • The same applies to every created scanned profile or set by default. All of them can be adjusted according to your needs under the Profile Editor tool.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
