If you have lost settings such as entries from GFI WebMonitor's Always Allowed or Always Blocked lists, and you have also previously created a Support folder by gathering troubleshooters for GFI Technical Support, then you will be able to recover your lost settings from data within this folder.Unzip the Support folder and proceed as following:
WebMonitor 2015 and later:
Browse to ..\GFI\WebMonitor\Support\Settings or ..\GFI\WebMonitor\ScriptedLogs\Data depending on which method of gathering the logs you used.
- Copy all of the *.xml files
- Stop all the WebMonitor services
- Navigate to ..\Webmontior\
- Make a copy of the Data directory for safety (so you can switch back)
- Copy the *xml files into the directory.
- Start the services stopped on step 1
WebMonitor 2013 and earlier:
Browser to ..\GFI\WebMonitor\\Support\Data and find the configuration.db
- Open the file with a SQLlite Database browser
- Open the tab Browse Data
- Scroll down the table items and find the needed information
- Edit the file as needed
Most used tables:
- Always Block - tb_BlacklistItems
- Always Allow (permanent) - tb_WhitelistPermItems
- Always Allow (temporary) - tb_WhitelistTempItems
Then, the items can be just copied and added via the WebMonitor interface or the configuration file can be replaced:
- Stop all the WebMonitor services
- Navigate to ..\Webmontior\Interface\App_Data
- Rename the original file to configuration.db.old for safety (so that you can switch back).
- Copy the edited configuration.db into the directory.
- Start the services stopped on point 1
Priyanka Bhotika