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Disabling GFI WebMonitor's 'Database Updated' Notifications


This article provides the steps required to disable email alerts fro updates in GFI WebMonitor, including 'Database Updated' notification messages.  



GFI WebMonitor 2013

  1. Open GFI WebMonitor.
  2. Navigate to Settings > General > Auto-Update.
  3. Click on the engine that is sending unwanted notifications, e.g., WebGrade, IM Blocking, etc.
  4. Disable the 'Send an email notification to the administrator on successfully updating the engine' option by unchecking the checkbox next to it. 
  5. Click Save.


GFI WebMonitor 2015 and later

  1. Open the GFI WebMonitor Management Console.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Security & Updates > GFI WebMonitor Updates.
  3. Disable the 'Send me an email when updates are successful' option by unchecking the checkbox next to it. Screen_Shot_2019-07-19_at_4.08.45_PM.png
  4. Click Save.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
