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How to export the mail monitoring rules


There is no way via the interface to export the mail monitoring rules or the exclusions for them.

However, you can export the rules using the backend database.
  1. Open the config.mdb with Microsoft Access
    • In MailEssentialsthis file is located at: ..GFI\MailEssentials\AntiSpam\
    • You will need the following tables:
      • mm_profiles
      • mm_recipient_exclude
      • mm_rules
      • mm_sender_exclude
  2. Check the mm_profiles table. The displayname is the title of the rule. Check the id column to get the id of that rule 
  3. Compare the id from the mm_profiles table with the  profile_id in the mm_recipient_exclude, mm_sender_exclude, and mm_rules tables
  4. You can either export the data to a text or csv file, otherwise you will need to copy the entire line for each entry into a notepad, Excel spreadsheet, or another config.mdb to maintain the rule and exclusion integrity
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
