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Methods for Sending Faxes in GFI FaxMaker


GFI FaxMaker allows the submitting of faxes using various methods.


Faxes can be sent in two ways:

  1. Sending faxes through an email client or using the GFI FaxMaker FAX message form.
  2. Using applications/devices which connect directly to the GFI FaxMaker server using supported API interfaces.

Sending Faxes Using a Client

The various methods which can be used to send faxes from a client are documented as follows:

  1. Sending from the GFI FaxMaker FAX Message Form:

This is the preferred method of sending faxes since it has allowed the user to specify fax specific options.

  1. Sending to an Outlook contact:

This method can be used when sending a fax from Microsoft Outlook to Microsoft Exchange server. The fax number is retrieved from the contact's Business Fax field.

  1. Sending using one-off addressing with Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange

This method can also be used when sending a fax from Microsoft Outlook to Microsoft Exchange server. In this case, the fax number is specified by the user rather than retrieved from a contact.

  1. Sending to <number>@faxdomain:

This method can be used with any SMTP mail server, including Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Notes, which supports forwarding emails to a foreign domain.

  1. Sending using an alias:

This method can be used when sending using any standard SMTP clients.

  1. GFI FaxMaker Web Client:

​​Introduced in GFI FaxMaker 2015, it grants users the ability to send faxes from a web browser.

Sending Faxes by Using a Supported API by GFI FaxMaker

The various methods which can be used to send faxes by direct connection to the GFI FaxMaker server are noted below:

    • NetPrintQueue2Fax
    • Text API
    • XMLAPI
    • WSAPI
    • HP Digital Sender integration
    • eCopyShareScan

Please refer to the following infographic to get a high-level overview of how faxes are sent by GFI FaxMaker.




NOTE: More information about this can be found in the GFI FaxMaker User manual under the section Sending faxes & SMS from Microsoft Outlook.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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