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Installed Patches detected as missing KB2574819 KB2592687 KB931125 KB2882822

Versions / Builds Affected

LanGuard - all versions



Problem Summary

The following patches are listed as installed on the target computers but is listed as missing in the console. Deploying the patch results in a failure: KB2574819 KB2592687 KB931125 KB2882822



How to Identify

One or more of the following patches are listed in the Control Panel > Software > View installed updates of the target machines as installed: KB2574819 KB2592687 KB931125 KB2882822 Scans still detect the patch as missing. If the customer deploys the patch, the deployment fails (because the patch is already installed - but there is no information that this is the reason). If the customer tries to "ignore" the patch , the next scan still lists it as missing.

Workaround / Fix Details

This issue has been fixed via changes to the patch management database via Program Updates.

Required Actions

1. Verify the conditions specified in the "How to identify" section exist 2. Make sure the customer has the latest program updates.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
