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Error: 'Local error stopped' is seen at the bottom of the GFI FaxMaker Monitor



Although the GFI FaxMaker FaxServer service is started, the GFI FaxMaker Monitor does not show the lines under the "Fax Server" node. Instead the following error is displayed: "Local error stopped" is displayed near the bottom of the GFI FaxMaker Monitor display (just above the log window)


  • GFI FaxMaker
  • Active Directory mode
  • All supported environments


Ensure that the user account being used to log on the GFI FaxMaker FaxServer service is a valid domain administrator and that the GFI FaxMaker server has connectivity to the Active Directory
  1. Within the GFI FaxMaker configuration, check the licensed users list for any users displayed as GUID strings (long strings of hexidecimal) and remove them
    • Also, ensure that there are no users defined in Licensed Users of the GFI FaxMaker configuration which have been disabled in the Active Directory.  All Licensed users (or members of a group in Licensed users) should have a valid email address associated
  2. If there is still a problem, open the registry editor (launch regedit or regedt32) and browse to the following location:
    • for x86 OS): [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GFI Fax & Voice\FaxMaker\Config] OR (for x64 OS): [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432node\GFI Fax & Voice\FaxMaker\Config]
    1. Within the config key, create a new DWORD value with the name "GC" (no quotes) and leave its value set to '0' (no quotes)
    2. Restart the GFI FaxMaker Fax server service
  3. If all steps above are followed and the error persists, assign "GC" the value "1" (no quotes). Restart the GFI FaxMaker Fax server service
  4. If all steps above are followed and the error persists, please contact the GFI Technical support for further advice.


This issue may be related to an inability to resolve the licensed GFI FaxMaker users against the Microsoft Active Directory / Global Catalog.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 11 days ago
