Overview Email disclaimers are legal statements that are added to outbound emails. This article describes the process to follow when a disclaimer is not added to outbound emails from senders located o...
Versions / Builds Affected2015 StatusOpen TT / JIRAID2919 How to Identify- Inbound email sent to 2 users (A and B) with attachment - Attachment Filter applies only to user A (B is excluded) - Email is...
Answer PROBLEMWhen disclaimers are enabled, attachments are stripped (or missing) from the received email. ENVIRONMENT GFI MailEssentials all supported environments SOLUTIONRe-edit the disclaimer, so ...
Versions / Builds Affected2012/2014 StatusResolved Problem SummaryThe MailEssentials Attachment Filtering blocks some emails with attachments because of a File category mismatch (Claimed extension xxx...
Versions / Builds AffectedGFI MailEssentials 2014 and above StatusResolved Problem SummaryThe blocked content is sent out to the user, including the blocked word(s). TT / JIRAID2209 How to IdentifyThe...
Overview When GFI MailEssentials is installed as a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) relay and trying to deliver the emails to the mail server, the Message Delivery Log of the mail server shows in ...
Versions / Builds Affected20131113 StatusResolved Problem SummaryWhen MailEssentials is installed on DMZ (SMTP Relay or Edge) and Exclusions are in place in one of the Content filter rules, Items will...
Versions / Builds Affected21.1 StatusResolved Problem SummaryGFI AV Scanning Engine service crashing randomly How to Identify- GFI AV Scanning Engine service crashing randomly. - Reproduced by sending...
Versions / Builds AffectedMailEssentials builds 20130226,20140308,20140627 StatusResolved Problem SummaryWhen a customer has Advanced content filter rules enabled the GFIscanm.exe will have a memory l...
Answer If you are questioning why an email was blocked or allowed by the Advanced Content Filtering Content Filter and would like more information, you can find further details in the log file for tha...