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User accounts issues: folder corruption, duplicates, etc

  • Managing User Accounts in Kerio Connect

    Overview In Kerio Connect, user accounts are represented by individual email boxes. With user accounts, you can authenticate users to their accounts, set access rights to the Kerio Connect administrat...

  • Re-Indexing Corrupted User Folders Manually

    Overview The users might face file corruption issues and emails stuck in the Outbox. Following errors can be displayed: Index error in folder Cannot parse calendar ...

  • Kerio Connect user cannot login to their email account

    Overview This article is intended for the Kerio Connect administrators in order to offer them a better understanding of how to fix/isolate the User login issue. There is a list of common fixes for use...

  • Deleting old mails using Items Clean-Out feature

    Overview Administrators can configure the Items Clean-Out feature which performs automatic user mailbox cleanup older than a specified time period, i.e. 30 days, to save space on the datastore disk. K...

  • Creating User Accounts in Kerio Connect

    Overview  While creating user accounts locally, by mapping from a directory service, or with a template, it requires adding user details in the Administration interface. When editing or changing user ...

  • Unlocking Accounts for Locked-Out Users in Kerio Connect

    Overview If a user has entered the incorrect combination of username and password a few times in a row, it is likely that their account has been locked out. As a result, the user is not being able to ...

  • Password Policy in Kerio Connect

    Overview Kerio Connect Administrators can implement a strong complex password requirement, enable password expiration limit, and protect users against password guessing attacks. Users may not be able ...

  • Renaming User Accounts in Kerio Connect

    Overview When there is a need to keep existing user email data, it's possible to change a user's account name in the Kerio Connect server. It might be necessary when a name changes after getting marri...

  • Error: "Failed to update user <>, error code: 801" When Updating User Parameters

    Overview You might experience some issues when trying to change specific user parameters such as increasing mailbox limit size, quotas, changing rights in the Kerio Connect Administration menu. The We...

  • Fixing Errors: 'Unexpected error 26' and 'Cannot open database'

    Overview While the users try to access their data, no emails are shown in the mailbox and the following entries appear in the Error logs: FolderIndexTraitsImpl.cpp: Index error in folder ~username@dom...