Versions / Builds Affected2012 / SR4 & SR5 StatusResolved Problem SummaryMailflow stops every day at the same time(s). The MailEssentials AntiSpam Attendant Service needs to be restarted (sometimes ki...
Versions / Builds Affected2012 / 20121218 StatusResolved Problem SummaryMailflow backs up into Exchange and is not resumed until the scanning engine services are restarted. Reporting files may be back...
Versions / Builds Affected2012 / All StatusResolved Problem SummaryInbound and outbound mailflow stops. Mails start queueing in IIS queues resp. Exchange submission queue. On Exchange 2007 and 2010 Ev...
Answer PROBLEMThe Managed Attendant service failed to read the configuration with the error ConfigurationServices: system resources exceeded. The above issue can be observed in the following situation...
Versions / Builds Affected2014 R2 StatusResolved Problem SummaryMicrosoft Exchange Transport service cannot be started when some or all of MailEssentials transport agents are enabled. GfiAvRoutingAgen...
Versions / Builds Affected2012 / 20130226 StatusResolved Problem SummaryWhen email processing is enabled, users with mobile devices are unable to connect to the Exchange server with Activesync. The is...
Answer PROBLEM Stopping the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Stores causes IIS Admin service to stop ENVIRONMENT GFI MailEssentials All supported environments SOLUTION To solve the problem, IIS Admin needs ...
Versions / Builds AffectedGFI MailEssentials 2015 StatusResolved Problem SummaryThe Attendant service is crashing referencing the module MimeCOM.dll, version TT / JIRAID2560 How to IdentifyA ...
Versions / Builds AffectedGFI MailEssentials 2015 StatusResolved Problem SummaryThe Attendant service is crashing referencing the libspam.dll file. TT / JIRAID2543 How to Identify2015-04-20,10:24:16,2...
Versions / Builds Affected20.3 (20170321) StatusResolved Problem Summarygfimeattendant is crashing TT / JIRAIDGFIME-2900 How to IdentifyThere are multiple indicators that gfimesattendant is not workin...