Answer PROBLEMWhen trying to retrieve the Microsoft SQL server database list to enable Microsoft SQL server reporting in GFI MailEssentials, the database list is blank. The credentials used for this h...
Versions / Builds Affected20.2 StatusOpen Problem SummaryMiddleman fails when writing to report database TT / JIRAIDGFIME-1211 How to IdentifyMSMQ gfimereportq@# building up ReportingActivity log show...
Answer GFI MailEssentials 2014 R2 ships with a new Firebird reporting database format that replaces Microsoft Access. Firebird is an open source SQL relational database that increases performance, sca...
Answer PROBLEM All Non-Delivery Reports (NDR) which are moved to the GFI MailEssentials AntiSpam Public folders are not being processed and moved to the Processed directory. ENVIRONMENT GFI MailEssent...
Versions / Builds AffectedVersion 20 - Build 20151118 StatusResolved TT / JIRAIDGFIME-4 How to IdentifyQuar Digest log would show the wrong number of users to send the digest for (this is just an indi...
Answer PROBLEM Quarantine digests are not being sent to mail-enabled public folders or distribution lists. GFI MailEssentials is configured to send the quarantine digest to all users. ENVIRONMENT GFI ...
Versions / Builds Affected20.3 StatusOpen TT / JIRAIDGFIME-3232 How to Identifygfimreportingq MSMQ builds up slowly but steadily even when reporting is disabled, recovery queue is not being used by th...
Versions / Builds AffectedMailEssentials 2014 StatusResolved Problem SummaryReporting queues will back up due to a new type of spam. The spam will make us try and right the information twice and fail ...
Versions / Builds AffectedMailEssentials 2015 StatusOpen Problem SummaryReporting Private Queues building up on MailEssentials 2015 and all emails processed OK TT / JIRAID2706 How to IdentifyReporting...
Versions / Builds Affected2012/20120425-2158 StatusResolved TT / JIRAIDMEC99 How to IdentifyWhen running MailEssentials 2012 in local mode (cassini mode), the Reports page does not display properly. I...