Answer PROBLEM Spam emails are not going to junk folder but are still being flagged as spam. ENVIRONMENT GFI MailEssentials All Supported Environments SOLUTION The header will show it was marked as sp...
Answer PROBLEMSpam is not being forwarded to an alternate email address. ENVIRONMENT GFI MailEssentials Microsoft Exchange 2007 and later All supported environments SOLUTIONCheck tb_exchange and tb_g...
Answer PROBLEM Spam is not delivered to the users' inbox subfolder after Microsoft Outlook 2003 Junk email filter is enabled. ENVIRONMENT GFI MailEssentials Microsoft Outlook 2003 SOLUTION There is no...
Answer PROBLEM GFI MailEssentials processes the emails successfully. The log files show that the emails are blocked as spam. However, the spam emails are still being delivered to the original recipien...
Answer PROBLEM Receiving large quantity of SPAM emails appear to come around from the ATO. Example emails are similar to the description provided by the recent ATO online article,
Overview The gfireportq@recovery MSMQ queue builds to the maximum size of 103,000 entries, causing emails to go into the failed mail folder. The ReportingActivity Log shows the following errors: 2013-...
Overview The following are the Email and Active Directory variables that can be inserted into GFI MailEssentials disclaimers. Information Email Date Sender Name Sender Email Recipient Name Recipient E...
Overview This article provides information regarding the subject length limit of the Email Exploit Engine. Information The maximum number of allowed characters in the subject line is 253. If the sub...
Overview Whenever the Disclaimers are enabled and the character set of the email is UTF-8, LF (not RFC compliant) is used as EOL (End Of Line) instead of CR LF (RFC compliant). In order to identify th...
AnswerSome inbound emails which were blocked by GFI MailEssentials show the event id FAIL referencing the agent GfiAsRtSubmittedAgent as SourceContext in the Microsoft Exchange Message Tracking result...