Versions / Builds Affected2012 / 20120618 StatusResolved Problem SummaryAntispam synchronization does not finish compiling the zip file in the slave server folder. TT / JIRAID294 How to IdentifyAntisp...
Overview The following error message is displayed when defining the GFI MailEssentials installation path during the installation: One or more characters in the specified path cannot be used for the in...
Answer PROBLEM The message 'SMTP service installation requested' appears when installing on a Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010 Server. ENVIRONMENT GFI MailEssentials 2012 and later Microsoft Exchange 2007...
Answer PROBLEMThe installation of GFI MailEssentials fails with the error message: Error in MainInstaller log: Exception thrown by custom action: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception...
Answer PROBLEMError: Failed to update database. Error Message: A duplicate value cannot be inserted into a unique index ENVIRONMENT GFI MailEssentials SOLUTION Locate the exact error in the mailessen...
Answer PROBLEMWhen installing GFI MailEssentials 2015 on a gateway or perimeter server, the installer fails to detect the SMTP server and the installation fails, although Microsoft's IIS SMTP has been...
Versions / Builds AffectedGFI MailEssentials 2015 StatusResolved Problem SummaryError: InstallPatch, System.Exception: CAB is not verified! ; at MailEssentials.PatchChecker.PatchChecker.InstallPatch(S...
Versions / Builds AffectedUpgrades from 2012 and 2014 StatusResolved Problem SummaryAfter an upgrade, old agents will not be deleted. In some cases, the new agents are installed but crash the Transpor...
DescriptionType: Release Product: GFI MailEssentials 2012 Improvements: Added support for CIDR in Anti-Spoofing IP address list Reintroduced Spam Digest functionality Resolves: When URI DNS Blocklist ...
Description Type: Release Product: GFI MailEssentials 2014, build 20131113 Improvements: GFI MailEssentials SpamTag for Microsoft® Outlook. An outlook add-on which provides end users with ability to c...