EventsManager Section
Overview The following error message is displayed in the GFI EventsManager Operation History Pane: Primary Filegroup Full This article provides a resolution on how to fix the issue described above. En...
Versions / Builds AffectedEventsManager 2013 StatusOpen Problem SummaryEsmproc.exe is randomly crashing when collecting specific events from the Directory Services. The faulting module refers to CRYPT...
Overview The GFI EventsManager service grows to 1GB of memory allocation in a short period of time. When this happens, the GFI EventsManager Monitor service will restart esmproc.exe. The growth of the...
Overview Fields from events collected from Server 2012 or Windows 8 machines are not displayed. Events will be collected but no event details other than the monitored machine, event id, rule name will...
Overview When importing ESM2011's event browser views during an upgrade to ESM2012, they might not work properly after the upgrade. Certain field names were changed which were not converted. Environme...
Versions / Builds AffectedEventsManager 2012 and 2013 StatusOpen Problem SummaryThere is a mismatch in computing the last time-stamp of the already collected Oracle events, creating some duplicates. T...
Overview Events are not being collected from some Syslog sources. Environment 2013 Status Open TT/JIRAID 502 How to Identify Test with Wireshark is showing that the Syslogs are getting to the GFI Eve...
Overview The GFI EventsManager console shows Invalid license key! under General > Licensing. This article provides the steps on how to resolve the issue described above. Environment GFI EventsManager ...
Overview After adding a database operation, it is not being shown in the list or saved. When choosing it to run now it does not execute and gives the following error in the debug log gfiappframework*....
Overview This article lists the improvements and fixes that came with the GFI EventsManager 2010 SR2 (Build 20110407) release. Information Improvements: Support for Oracle databases that use non-ASCI...