Overview GFI MailEssentials requires the list of local domains to enable it to distinguish between inbound, outbound or internal emails. During installation or post-install wizard, GFI MailEssentials ...
Overview This article describes how you can log in to MailEssentials. Process Ask your network administrator for the GFI MailEssentials URL. Type in the URL in an Internet browser. Type in your email ...
Overview When GFI MailEssentials is installed on Microsoft® Exchange, a dedicated user must be created to use any of these features: Deliver spam email to an Exchange mailbox sub-folder (required when...
Overview GFI MailEssentials supports both, Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) SMTP servers. As SSLv3 is vulnerable and not secure to use, it is recommended to enable TLS co...
Versions / Builds AffectedMailEssentials 2014 and above StatusOpen Problem SummaryGFI MailEssentials blocks emails with .apk files attached as the Decompression engine detects them as corrupt archives...
Answer PROBLEMItems appear to be filtered and marked as spam, but copies of those spam messages are stored in the folder ..\Antispam\failedmail. The following excerpt can be found in log file ..\GFI\M...
Versions / Builds Affected20120425-2158 StatusResolved Problem SummaryAgent logs (GfiAvRoutingAgent, GfiAsSmtp2Agent, etc) logs do not get created on Exchange 2010 Edge servers. TT / JIRAIDMEC56 How t...
Versions / Builds AffectedVersion 20, 20.1 - Builds 20151118, 20160420 StatusOpen Problem SummaryCustomer will approach Tech Support stating his users are not getting emails, mailflow is affected or h...
Versions / Builds Affected20.2 StatusResolved Problem SummaryAntiSpam/Middlequeue and antispamqueue@recovery growing TT / JIRAIDGFIME-1169 How to IdentifyAntiSpam/Middlequeue and antispamqueue@recover...
Answer PROBLEM Auto updates of the Bayesian database and the Phishing URI Blocklist are failing and an email is being sent to the Administrator notifying him of the failure. ENVIRONMENT GFI MailEssent...