Versions / Builds AffectedMailEssentials 2015 SR1 StatusResolved TT / JIRAID2689 How to IdentifyAfter May Cumulative Updates the following error occurs when opening the Configuration > Settings Could ...
Overview You receive the following error when accessing the GFI MailEssentials configuration or quarantine: Error 404: Not Found. The following event is logged: Event Type: Warning Event Source: ASP.N...
Overview You receive the following error when sending emails: 554: Sender Denied Environment GFI MailEssentials for Exchange/Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) All supported environments Root Cause ...
Versions / Builds Affected2012/20120425 StatusResolved Problem SummaryUser receives 'Error: Access Denied wrong or no credentials were provided' and the user interface is unavailable. TT / JIRAIDMEC11...
Answer PROBLEMYou receive the following error when opening the GFI MailEssentials configuration: Access denied to 'C:\Inetpub\Wwwroot' directory. Failed to start monitoring directory changes. Or Acces...
Overview When you try to access the GFI MailEssentials interface, you receive the following error when using the Internet Information Services (IIS) mode: Access Denied ConfigurationUI.log shows: erro...
Overview When using the Bayesian Wizard to retrieve information from either a Microsoft Outlook profile or from a Microsoft Exchange mailbox, the following error occurs: An error occurred while enumer...
Overview Outlook plugin fails to connect and the debug logs are showing the following error in the OutlookAddInCore log: OutlookAddInCore, Error: Failure whilst performing Web Service Version with err...
Overview When trying to access emails in the Spam Quarantine, you are unable to approve emails due to the error: Error Q8: Access is denied Environment GFI MailEssentials All supported environments Ro...
Overview GFI MailEssentials displays the following error message when configuring the GFI MailEssentials Anti-Spam folders via Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP): The IMAP test failed for the fol...