Overview Exchange Message Tracking indicates that some emails failed delivery to the recipient’s mailboxes with the following error: 'SMTP: Advanced Queue Failed to Deliver message.' Environment GFI ...
Overview This article describes the process to follow in case the below error message is displayed in the PfTrainEWS log file when creating Public Folders. The request failed schema validation: The e...
Answer PROBLEMFrom the AutoUpdate log: response URI: https://update.gfi.com/license/gfi.key Content-Length: 0 error: unexpected ContentType: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 error: StatusCode: 200 ENVIRO...
Answer PROBLEMThe GFI MailEssentials configuration will show the below error when clicking on the Quarantine menu Error: 'Server Error in / MailEssentials Application' Failed to Init JET_errLogFile...
Versions / Builds Affected2012/20120425-2158 StatusResolved TT / JIRAID103 How to IdentifyWhen installing to an Exchange 2010 DAG, the following issues will occur: List server will leave emails in the...
Versions / Builds Affected2012 / 20120618 StatusResolved Problem SummaryFailed mails appear sporadically in the Antispam\FailedMails folder TT / JIRAID438 How to IdentifyFailed mails appear in the ..\...
Overview The GFI MailEssentials switchboard application fails to function (in GFI MailEssentials 2010, the dashboard window will be grayed out and a red X will be visible next to all listed services)...
Versions / Builds Affected2012 / 20130805 StatusResolved Problem SummaryWhen using local mode to load the configuration it will fail referencing the following error Error: 'The (&(Objectclass=user)(|(...
Versions / Builds Affected2012/20120425-2158 StatusResolved Problem SummaryTemp files are accumulating at a huge rate in these folders: ..\GFI\MailEssentials\Temp\ ..\GFI\MailEssentials\Temp\tnefupck\...
Versions / Builds AffectedGFI MailEssentials 2015 StatusOpen Problem SummaryGFI MailEssentials temporary files are not removed from the temp folders (...\MailEssentials\Temp, ...\MailEssentials\AntiSp...