LanGuard Section
Versions / Builds AffectedLanGuard 2015 (11.4) StatusOpen TT / JIRAID2810 How to IdentifyAgent diagnostic window opens and displays pending in the diagnosis progress area and Preparing agent diagnosis...
Overview While trying to deploy the security patches or install an Agent, the job status stays at Pending. Another scenario is when a scan is initiated, it does not continue and the Scanner Activity W...
SummaryAgent Diagnostics is failing with error ping check failed (error code: 11001 - no such host is known) or destination host is unreachable Overview ENVIRONMENT LanGuard 12.4 build 20180706 PROBLE...
Answer PROBLEMThe agent deployment fails and when scanning the machine the access is denied to the resources required. When checking access to the administrative share of the target, the access is als...
Versions / Builds AffectedLanGuard 12 (20160419) StatusOpen Problem SummaryThe agents scan gets stuck on domain controllers and does not finish TT / JIRAIDGFIL-704 How to Identify- The scan can be sta...
Versions / Builds AffectedLanGuard 2012 (all builds) StatusResolved Problem SummaryWhen viewing scan results details of agent scans from the Activity Monitor the scan results display 'The patch manage...
Versions / Builds AffectedLanGuard 2012 (all builds) StatusResolved Problem SummaryCustomer is using agents for scanning but the scans do not appear in the Dashboard > Activity Monitor TT / JIRAID346 ...
Versions / Builds AffectedLanGuard 2014 StatusResolved Problem SummaryAgent scans not running on German Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 R2 operating systems. TT / JIRAID1825 How to IdentifyAgent scans on ...
Versions / Builds AffectedLanGuard 2014 R2 (version 11.3) StatusResolved Problem SummaryAgent scans of Domain Controllers take only about 30 seconds. The scan results only contain basic computer infor...
Versions / Builds Affected2012 (all builds) StatusResolved Problem SummaryAgent settings are inherited from a computer or group (node) that does not exist TT / JIRAID1261 How to Identify1. Customer re...