Archiver Section
AnswerThe Outlook Connector cannot be deployed with its data path root set to a network location. This is due to a limitation of the local cache database which is used to store data on the client mach...
Overview This article provides information on deleting emails in GFI Archiver and special precautions you must take before doing so. Information IMPORTANT: GFI Archiver is an email archiving solution...
AnswerMicrosoft offers a version of Microsoft Office 2010 called Click and Run which is a streaming/virtualized version of their Office suite. In order to be able to install add-ins such as the Outloo...
Overview This article provides information about the use of the auditing features in GFI Archiver databases. Information To use the audit features in GFI Archiver, the audit data must be stored in a M...
Overview This article provides the guidelines to follow for storing the GFI Archiver database and indexes on a network share (UNC path). Information When creating a GFI Archiver archive store, some da...
Overview This article explains why a 'Full Access' user may not be able to delete mail from the archive. Environment GFI Archiver All supported environments Root Cause If emails are deleted from the a...
Overview This article describes the issue, and its resolution which occurs when MailInsights reports cannot be generated and the following errors appear in the debug logs: MIReportManager.log: info ,M...
Overview When trying to use the Import Export Tool (IET) to export items from public folders (via EWS) into GFI Archiver, all public folders show as if they contain 0 items (in the dialog where one ch...
Overview The summary page for an archive stores does not load under Configuration > Archive Stores. Environment GFI Archiver Using Archive Stores with binary folders Root Cause The LCK files are creat...
Overview When generating a Phrase Search MailInsights report based on a Chinese email/search phase, the PDF report contains place holder characters and does display some strings incorrectly. This wa...